Sicario Day Of The Soldado
122 min 24 sec
Pregnancy: First Trimester
28 min 0 sec
78 min 50 sec
I am not a Monster
97 min 57 sec
Celda 211
107 min 54 sec
Maniaco do Parque
103 min 2 sec
Rick Stein Tastes The Blues
59 min 4 sec
109 min 29 sec
Hyper Intelligence
49 min 3 sec
What is Science Fiction?
61 min 16 sec
Sicario Day Of The Soldado
Sicario: Day of the Soldado (also known as Sicario 2: Soldado or simply Soldado) is a 2018 American crime thriller film directed by Stefano Sollima. Plot: A suicide bombing by ISIS in a Kansas City grocery store kills fifteen people. In response, the United States government orders CIA officer Matt Graver to apply extreme measures to combat Mexican drug cartels who are suspected of having smuggled the terrorists across the Mexico–United States border. Graver and the Department of Defense decide the best option is to instigate a war between the major cartels, and Graver recruits operative Alejandro Gillick for the mission.

Pregnancy: First Trimester
In this lesson you will learn the symptoms of the first trimester of pregnancy, such as morning sickness, sore breasts, food aversions, fatigue, headaches, mood swings, increased urination, constipation, heartburn, cramping and bleeding. You’ll also learn what will alleviate these symptoms, when you need to call the doctor, prenatal testing, and your baby’s development during the first twelve weeks.

Pure is a 2005 Quebecoise (Canadian) film directed by Jim Donovan. Plot: A couple - a disc jockey and his significant other go through some transformational experiences together

I am not a Monster
‘To act is to begin something new’ said Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest thinkers of all time who passed away in 1975 and who coined the concept of the ‘banality of evil’. In this original film, learn about the thinking processes of activism and mechanisms of our risky thoughts.

Celda 211
Celda 211 es una película española, dirigida por Daniel Monzón en 2009, ganadora de ocho Premios Goya. Argumento: La víspera de su toma de posesión como funcionario de prisiones, Juan Oliver acude a la prisión provincial de Zamora para conocer las instalaciones y el ambiente de la cárcel donde va a trabajar. Una vez allí, y debido a las malas condiciones en que se encuentra el viejo edificio, recibe un golpe en la cabeza y queda inconsciente. En ese mismo instante, los presos inician un motín. Los compañeros de Juan, sin saber qué hacer para salvar sus vidas, le abandonan en la celda n.º 211 —la única celda vacía— y huyen.

Maniaco do Parque
Maníaco do Parque é um filme de drama policial brasileiro de 2024. O infame serial killer brasileiro, o motoboy Francisco (Silvero Pereira), acusado de agredir 21 mulheres e assassinar dez delas, ocultando os corpos no Parque do Estado, em São Paulo.

Rick Stein Tastes The Blues
Rick Stein explores his love for the blues and the dishes found in its lyrics, from fried chicken with turnip greens to catfish and black-eyed peas. Rick pays homage to the musicians and food of the Mississippi Delta.

NOIR raconte la vie de quatre personnes vivant dans un quartier en proie à la pauvreté et à la violence, aspirant à la liberté et au bonheur. Kadhafi, un rappeur de 26 ans, ex-membre d'un gang de rue, tout juste sorti de prison, veut éviter les ennuis. Fleur, une mère haïtienne de 17 ans qui entretient une relation violente et passionnée avec le père de sa fille, rêve de quitter le ghetto et de devenir infirmière. Suzie, une strip-teaseuse de 20 ans qui tombe amoureuse d'un membre de gang. Dickens, un Haïtien de 16 ans, veut faire partie du gang de rue contrôlé par son frère aîné. Noir is a Canadian drama film, directed by Yves Christian Fournier and released in 2015. An ensemble cast film set primarily in the impoverished Montreal North area, the film focuses on a variety of interconnected storylines. Characters include Dickens (Kémy St-Eloi) and Bobby (Clauter Alexandre), two Haitian Canadian brothers involved in the gang lifestyle; Kadhafi (Salim Kechiouche), an Algerian immigrant who works in a dry cleaning shop with Jean-Jacques (Benz Antoine) and dreams of becoming a hip hop star; and Suzie (Jade-Mariuka Robitaille), a stripper in a relationship with drug dealer Evans (Christopher Charles) while simultaneously connected in an ambiguous way to Phil.

Hyper Intelligence
The second episode of the Forging the Future series - Hyper Intelligence - focuses on AI. Everyone has heard about Artificial Intelligence (or AI), but very few people know what it is or how it actually works. This episode brings this otherwise abstract topic to life by visiting the most cutting-edge engineering firms where innovative technologists are using AI to transform machines into thinking robots.

What is Science Fiction?
In this show, Dr. Tom Lombardo from the Center for Future Consciousness discusses Science Fiction.
Featured Series
Rick Stein Tastes The Blues

The Cure - In Orange

Ink Master S01E01 Fresh Meat

Project Runway S10E01

Jimi Hendrix Experience Live in Maui 1970

Ink Master S01E02 Botched Head Tattoo

Rick Stein - From Venice To Istanbul - S01 - E01

Project Runway S10E02

Ink Master S01E03 Pasties and a Cameltoe

Project Runway S10E03

Rick Stein explores his love for the blues and the dishes found in its lyrics, from fried chicken with turnip greens to catfish and black-eyed peas. Rick pays homage to the musicians and food of the Mississippi Delta.

The Cure in Orange is a concert film by British rock group The Cure. It was shot on 35mm film at the Théâtre Antique d'Orange in the French countryside (Orange, Vaucluse), on 8, 9, and 10 August 1986.

In this reality show, you will find some of the best tattoo artists on the planet battle it out in head-to-head challenges, judged by renowned tattoo artists and enthusiasts. The artists' skills will be tested and one of them to be crowned Ink Master.

Project Runway is an American reality television series that focuses on fashion design. Project Runway uses progressive elimination to reduce the initial field of 12 or more fashion designers down to three or four before the final challenge. Each non-finale challenge (the scope of one episode) requires the designers to develop one or more pieces of new clothing to be presented at a runway show.

Live in Maui is an album by the Jimi Hendrix Experience documenting their performance outdoors on Maui, Hawaii, on July 30, 1970.

In this reality show, you will find some of the best tattoo artists on the planet battle it out in head-to-head challenges, judged by renowned tattoo artists and enthusiasts. The artists' skills will be tested and one of them to be crowned Ink Master.

Rick Stein - From Venice To Istanbul - S01 - E01

Project Runway is an American reality television series that focuses on fashion design. Project Runway uses progressive elimination to reduce the initial field of 12 or more fashion designers down to three or four before the final challenge. Each non-finale challenge (the scope of one episode) requires the designers to develop one or more pieces of new clothing to be presented at a runway show.

In this reality show, you will find some of the best tattoo artists on the planet battle it out in head-to-head challenges, judged by renowned tattoo artists and enthusiasts. The artists' skills will be tested and one of them to be crowned Ink Master.

Project Runway is an American reality television series that focuses on fashion design. Project Runway uses progressive elimination to reduce the initial field of 12 or more fashion designers down to three or four before the final challenge. Each non-finale challenge (the scope of one episode) requires the designers to develop one or more pieces of new clothing to be presented at a runway show.