Spellbound is a 1945 American film noir psychological mystery thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The film stars Ingrid Bergman, Gregory Peck, Michael Chekhov and Leo G. Carroll. Hitchcock's cameo appearance is a signature occurrence in almost all of his films. In Spellbound, he can be seen coming out of an elevator at the Empire State Hotel, carrying a violin case and smoking a cigarette, about 38:50 minutes into the film.
Spellbound is a 1945 American film noir psychological mystery thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The film stars Ingrid Bergman, Gregory Peck, Michael Chekhov and Leo G. Carroll. Hitchcock's cameo appearance is a signature occurrence in almost all of his films. In Spellbound, he can be seen coming out of an elevator at the Empire State Hotel, carrying a violin case and smoking a cigarette, about 38:50 minutes into the film.